Thursday, November 13, 2008

Michael Lewis article on The End of Wall Street

A friend sent me an article by Liar's Poker author Michael Lewis about The End of Wall Street .

In the article he expertly weaves in anecdotes about subprime mortgages, CDOs, rating agencies and his old boss, John Gutfreund, former CEO of Salomon.

I heard Gutfreund speak at the 2002 Columbia Business School panel that that Lewis referenced in this article. Oddly enough, the panel was held on the eve of the first year corporate finance final and so it was sparsely attended. It was a surreal event -- Gutfreund didn't weep, but he almost broke down when he recounted how proud he was of his son's decision to become a teacher. Having read Liar’s Poker years before, I sat there, puzzled that many of my investment bank bound classmates who had the most to gain from hearing Gutfreund and the other speakers were still studying for the corporate finance final, unlike myself.

1 comment:

Ashutosh said...


I am currently studying at Columbia Business School. Was wondering if you could elaborate a bit more on the talk, especially with regards to the part mentioned in the article.
