Saturday, April 26, 2008

As customer friendly as an orthopedist's office?

I recently visited an orthopedist's office (I was not the patient).

As I sat in the waiting room I kept noticing that many people, especially older patients, were unable to open the pneumatic office door. Since my seat was near the door I ended up helping several of the people who had trouble. The door was not only very stiff but it also had a handle that was hard to turn. Remember, we are sitting in an orthopedist's office -- the place you go when you have bone injuries. I might be able to accept a door that didn't work in an Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat doctor's office, but in an office where most of the people who come in have a problem with movement?

Things like that are clues about the people who work there. Do they notice? Do they care? Do they know how to solve the problem if they do notice and care? Don't take this posting as a complaint. Instead, take it as a way of evaluating organizations that you may work with.

I told the receptionist about the door. If it's not fixed the next time I visit I might just go get a screwdriver and loosen the pneumatic hinge myself.

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